Apple TV is not the future of TV. TV will just become the largest screen in the house. We take a look at the future of TV.
Our Blog
Reddit rising, Snapchat campaigns, human driven search – the RAAKonteur #109
Reddit is coming of age, and Snapchat has come from nowhere. We also take a look at productivity, to why agencies are starting to make products.
On a tweet and a prayer, how Pontifex’s first tweet resonates
The Pope’s first tweet puts other celeb tweets to shame. We crunch the numbers on how fast his Retweets came and divide it by his follower number.
Leveson, the ITU, and the value of a Like – The RAAKonteur #108
We take a look at Leveson and ask, is the upcoming ITU meeting in Dubai not a lot more significant? Also featured, the value of a Like, and drone reporters.
Creative of the Week – Leonardo Ulian
Leanoardo Ulian blends art and technology in a very literal way. By ‘painting’ with electronic components.
The #ITU, the Internet, and the ethics of marketing
We are living in an information society. With the future of the internet possibly in the balance, is truth the most important concept in marketing?
Ads are coming to Instagram – The RAAKonteur #107
This week we take a look at Facebook’s efforts to link its Instagram and Facebook databases, and whether this means ads are coming to Instagram soon. Also in the news content marketing and why live-blogs do so well.
Reality bites – Twitter goes to War, SMS declines – The RAAKonteur #106
In Social Media things are getting real. Like War. We cover that and the ongoing Facebook newsfeed saga.
Are you going Friends-Free on Facebook?
A test by EdgeRank Checker earlier this week demonstrated the difference between Facebook’s Most Recent Feed and an unfiltered feed. It showed, to no big surprise, that a majority of Pages’ posts don’t reach the Most Recent Feed at all. …
Do you think you know how Twitter works? Think again.
Raffi Kikorian, Director of the Applications Services group at Twitter, recently gave a talk at GCon, detailing Twitter’s underlying architecture. We’ve lifted a few interesting facts from the talk, that you might not already know.
Creative of the Week – Benjamin Redford
Projecteo is a tiny beautiful little projector for the Instagram age.
The Great Social Media elections of 2012 – The RAAKonteur #105
This year’s US presidential elections can with right be called the first real Social Media elections. Meanwhile, Foursquare is developing an algorithm, and everybody seems to be cloning Instagram.
Everyone copies Instagram, and Instagram copies Everyone
The world of filter-photos is on fire. This week it transpired that both Twitter and Facebook have been working on photo filters themselves. That’s not all: Instagram is finally working on a web presence, like everyone else.
These elections were not Televised
The US presidential elections are no doubt the most visible elections in the world, and one of the biggest events on earth. This week’s elections were not only a triumph for Barack Obama, but also for Social Media as a whole.
Facebook: the brewing War between Users and Advertisers
Facebook finds themselves increasingly torn between users who don’t pay, and users who pay, or advertisers. These two groups have two very different ideals about what content should be.
Foursquare adds an Algorithm, with added Viral Spice
Foursquare pushed a seemingly small update to its iOS app this week. However, the update contains two very valuable gems, both of which has far reaching consequences.
Creative of the Week – Waldek Węgrzyn
Now, that’s an e-book. Polish art student Waldek Węgrzyn created a physical book as a digital interface.
Instagram’s coming of age – The RAAKonteur #104
The winds of change, said British PM Harold Macmillan in the 60’s, were sweeping through Africa. Today hurricanes are doing much the same in media.
Creative of the Week – Jie Qi
Jie Qi’s LED-driven interactive painting is another example of MIT Media Lab’s high quality output.
We’ve all been Zuckered? – The RAAKonteur #103
In an excellent post Dangerous Minds explains how insidious Facebook’s new strategy is of limiting the reach of Pages and ordinary users. Facebook is being purposely broken enabling them to sell ads.
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