matching the medium + the message

Driving awareness with CanEUhearme


Our biggest social-media project yet. Featuring a EU Twitter Forum in 23 languages. We used videos that could be commented on blog style. And you could do so using Facebook Connect, allowing users to send their comments to their Facebook newsfeeds for an extra viral impact.

MTV & EU – Can EU Hear Me Europe?


Client: MTV / European Union
Title: CanEUhearme
Brief: To increase engagement and awareness of the European election amongst young Europeans
Solution: The first major European political website featuring a Twitter discussion forum and Facebook Connect commenting and voting functionality

Jeff Jarvis on Advertising and PR agencies’ changing role

Jeff Jarvis on advertising

At RAAK we have done quite a lot of thinking about how we can help our clients and partners.
And what we need to be to be able to help our clients…