Social Media Training

by Gerrie Smits

Media is changing. Organisations and business are looking for Social Media expertise.

We think that public relations companies should – in theory at least – be best placed to serve this need in the short term. But they are not doing so yet. Partly because there is a lack of understanding. Partly because of a lack of practical experience.

And in the longer term companies are best placed to do social media for themselves.

To address this state of affairs RAAK has developed three courses -

:: We have a Social Media course specifically tailored at the PR industry to give public relations professionals the tools to raise awareness and engage on behalf of their clients.

:: There’s a more strategic course for executives that helps them to decide what to about social Social Media with respect to their organisation, but also contains some practical elements for them to raise their profile (Executive visibility) using social media.

:: And there’s a very hands-on course that teaches the ins and outs of how to ‘do’ Social Media on a daily basis inside an organisation.

Find out more on our dedicated Social Media training page.

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