Creatives of the Week – Aaron Koblin & Chris Milk
Remember that amazing interactive Arcade Fire music video that we talked about a while ago? The same team, director Chris Milk and ‘creative technologist’ Aaron Koblin, are also the people behind The Johnny Cash Project.
Really, the title shoud read: Koblin, Milk and the people that participated in this project. Because rather than cut together some archive footage of the Man In Black, Milk & Koblin developed a drawing tool that allowed the public to draw their own version of each frame of the film. And a stunning 250,000 people took part.
In technique it’s very similar to this Belgian ad from a while ago. But what makes this project work so well are the creative restrictions that are built into Koblin’s drawing tool. They make sure the overall look & feel is consistent.
There are lovely add-ons. From a social point of view, each drawing for each frame can be rated and the most popular frame will become part of the video.
And the drawing tool is so advanced that it will let you play back exactly how a person has drawn their frame.
We can only look forward to what these guys do next.
Posted by Gerrie Smits
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[...] Milk & Koblin are the people behind The Johnny Cash Project. But really, we should also credit the 250,000 participants that contributed drawings to this crowdsourced music video slash art project. Read more >> [...]
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