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Creative of the Week: Timo Arnall

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4 March 2011

In South Africa, where I’m from, dancing is often referred to as throwing shapes. On the other side of the planet Fin Timo Arnall does not throw (or make) shapes. He tries to discover hidden ones. That’s cool!

With his project Immaterials (video) he tried to discover the active signals of RFID tags – and yes he also did it with London’s beloved Oyster Cards.

Now, working with Jørn Knutsen and Einar Sneve Martinussen they have visualised Wifi signals – Immaterials Wifi light painting.

Immaterials: Light painting WiFi from Timo on Vimeo.

Here is how they describe the project:

A four-metre tall measuring rod with 80 points of light reveals cross-sections through WiFi networks using a photographic technique called light-painting.

We built the WiFi measuring rod, a 4-metre tall probe containing 80 lights that respond to the Received Signal Strength (RSSI) of a particular WiFi network. When we walk through architectural, urban spaces with this probe, while taking long-exposure photographs, we visualise the cross-sections, or strata, of WiFi signal strength, situated within photographic urban scenes.

Based at the Oslo School of Architecture & Design he leads an international research project on the applications of various technologies in consumer products. 

His PhD project ‘Making Visible’ investigates the use of visual media to explain emerging technology. Here he is discussing his Making visible theme, including where his research might lead, including the impact on interface design.

IxD Spring Summit 2009 – Timo Arnall from Umeå Institute of Design on Vimeo.

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