Logo Project
Calling all designers, typographers and brand builders. We need your creative help to develop the new RAAK logo.
How it works
About the project
This is not in the typical crowdsourcing project; oh no, that’s soooooooooo 2009. In this project you don’t design the whole logo. And the creation process won’t have a cut-off date. We really want to make this a co-creation experiment.
We need our brand to reflect what we’re about: open, social, digital, participatory, creative and constantly changing. This unique branding exercise is about process as well as result.
So we would love you to design 1 gorgeous, beautiful letter: an R, an A or a K. In any style you want; just show off your skills.
When you submit your creation, it will become part of our animated logo loop. The R’s, A’s and K’s will rotate in a random way to create hundreds of thousands, millions of logos. Each with a unique, unexpected, beautiful, clashing combination of letters.
We call it PDLB: Process-Driven Liquid Branding.
Or JPF: Just Plain Fun.
Each uploaded letter (considering it ticks the technical boxes mentioned below) will get a spot on our letter archive page, where you can include a link to your portfolio. And you’re welcome, no encouraged even, to use your letter elsewhere.
Read about our previous logo experiment ►
Technical notes:
- Your file needs to be 700 px wide x 840 px high, 72dpi. The version that will appear in the logo is only 35×42 px, but this way we can use it for print, projections,…
- You can download an Illustrator template here. And a Photoshop template here.
- Your final file format needs to be JPG or PNG.
- Your letter needs to fully cover the 40×40 pixel squares in the bottom corners of the template. That way it will link to the other letters.
- And it needs to touch the top line of the canvas/artboard.
- Only use the colour blue as in the template (RGB value is R0 G174 B239), except for any automatic anti-aliasing. And avoid tints please. Any shading should be made up of a dot pattern or hatching with stroked lines.
- Suggested minimum line width is 20 pixels – remember, the version on the homepage logo will be 20 times smaller.
- If you have any questions, email us at .
The crowd, creativity & brand debate
Wybe Magermans of WMH on The Gap’s logo fiasco.
Gap’s marketing department should know that their brand is not just their logo. Just like an ad campaign is not a brand. And if you think it is, then you will end up with the likes as FCUK. Any agency, marketing consultant or brand blogger will tell you that a brand in 21st century is much more expansive.
Stuart Lambert of Fishburn Hedges on Meaningful Creativity
Opening up the abstruse process of ‘creativity’ to the masses makes the act of creating something for a brand more accessible. That’s a good thing. Creativity is one of those attributes that people not only aspire to have and demonstrate but, particularly in a creative profession, measure themselves by.