Twitter now has 537417831 registered users.

How many users does Twitter have right now? When will Twitter break through the magical 500 million mark? Watch this dynamic graph and you’ll know! (Graph updates once every 5 minutes.)

Do you want to see where you are on the graph below? Type your twitter name in the box below and submit.

Twitter Users over time

Click the graph for a full-sized version


Two moments in the growth of Twitter stands out. Around March 2007 it had its first major spurt in registration rates when it won to great excitement the SXSW web award. Then, two years later, in March 2009 it had what is often called it’s hockey stick moment – and accelerated dramatically for a second time.

From then the registration rate has slowly but surely accelerated even further. There are no more major surges in registration, even the Twitter integration in Apple’s millions of iOS devices have not created a clear new inflection point. But the ever faster trend in constantly bearing upwards is a glorious bending arch.

Note that this graph will include accounts that have been deleted, dormant or bots. But it is impressive none the less.

Read how this dynamic Twitter registration graph is generated.